The Organisation for Democracy and Freedom in Syria

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Berlin: Ribal Al-Assad calls for pluralism in Syria in Speech to Institute of Cultural Diplomacy

Samedi, 19 Février 2011 1 Autres image(s)

This week the respected Berlin based Institute for Cultural Diplomacy invited Ribal Al-Assad, the Director of the ODFS, to deliver a keynote speech on the relationship between pluralism, art, culture and international relations.

Ribal Al-Assad addressed a distinguished audience of diplomats, scholars and political figures, at the 'The Language of Art and Music' conference in Berlin. The conference made the case for the use of culture and art to promote dialogue and understanding. Mr Assad's speech was followed by a robust question and answer session.

In his keynote address, Ribal Al-Assad said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to be back here among such dedicated and impressive advocates of cultural diplomacy. I spoke to the Institute in November of last year about the need to encourage and support pluralism throughout the Middle East. None of us could have predicted back then the speed with which the political situation in North Africa and the Middle East would change. And none of us can now predict with any certainty how the political landscape may look in the months to come.

"But amidst the uncertainty, we here in this room have an opportunity to reassert the values we hold dear; that cultures are enriched by their relationships with others, and that culture, sport, art and music can – and should – cross borders and boundaries.

"I believe in the power of dialogue, and the power of connecting people around the world. Social media has played a remarkable role in the spread of organised discontent in the Maghreb, and it has given peaceful protesters a sense that they are not alone. That their efforts are being watched and supported by people all over the world.

"Meaningful dialogue, in person and online, between different cultures and different people, can break down barriers that otherwise divide and isolate people. We have seen the organising power of the internet in recent weeks. Social media was not just a tool on the ground in North Africa but it also ensured that the world was watching.

"Imagine the possibilities that could unfold if this organic, real-time medium was used not just to organise but to connect. To educate. To debate. To engage. When we discuss the idea of cross-cultural engagement and inter-cultural dialogue, we must not make the mistake of thinking only in terms of country-to-country relations."

The conference was also attended by Ambassador Andras Simonyi, Former Hungarian Ambassador to the USA, Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former European MP & Luxembourg Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs, Ints Dalderis , Former Minister for Culture of the Republic of Latvia, and the Honorable Dr. Rocco Buttiglione, Vice President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies & Former Italian Minister of Culture

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