Ribal Al-Assad: 'Moving towards Democracy and Freedom in Syria and Tackling the Threat of Iran', The Mid-Atlantic Club, Dartmouth House, London
Mercredi, 7 Juillet 2010

I am delighted and honoured to be speaking here today. I would like to thank the Mid-Atlantic Group for inviting me. Today is the fifth...
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Ribal Al-Assad: ‘Bringing Democracy and Freedom to Syria: The Key to Tackling Extremism and Building Peace in the Middle East’, the European-Atlantic Group, the Carlton Club, London
Mardi, 18 Mai 2010

I am delighted and honoured to be speaking here today. I would like to thank the European-Atlantic Group for inviting me. “Syria is a beautiful...
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- Ribal Al-Assad: 'Bringing Democracy and Freedom to Syria and Building Peace in the Middle East', the London Rotary Club, Dartmouth House, London
- I am delighted and honoured to be speaking here today. I would like to thank the Rotary Club for inviting...
- Lire la suitePosté le: 17 Mai 10

- Ribal Al-Assad : « Instaurer la démocratie et la liberté en Syrie », Legatum Institute, Londres
- Merci M. Inboden. Chers hôtes, chers amis, mesdames, messieurs. C’est pour moi un honneur et un privilège d’être ici aujourd’hui...
- Lire la suitePosté le: 4 Fév 10