
- ODFS Director discusses Syria with Fareed Zakaria on CNN
- Type: Actualités
- Posté le: 5 Jan 16
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- Ribal Al-Assad debates the future of Syria with Ali Veshi on Al Jazeera America
- Type: Actualités
- Posté le: 21 Déc 15
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- ODFS Director talks to MSNBC about the war in Syria
- Type: Actualités
- Posté le: 14 Déc 15
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- ODFS Director speaks at EIN Conference in Split, Croatia
- Type: Actualités
- Posté le: 11 Juil 16
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- ODFS Director interviewed by ABC Internacional
- Type: Actualités
- Posté le: 30 Avr 16
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- ODFS Director speaks to FAES about Syria and Islamic extremism
- Type: Actualités
- Posté le: 25 Avr 16
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- Events Coming Soon
- Posté le: 14 Fév 11
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Actualités: ODFS Director discusses Syria with Fareed Zakaria on CNN
ODFS Director Ribal Al-Assad today spoke with Fareed Zakaria on CNN on the conflict in Syria and discussed possible solutions to it.
Ribal said that attempts to solve the conflict so far have not created a truly democratic and representative opposition to the current regime, and that until this changes, no peace is likely to come to Syria.
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- Ribal Al-Assad condemns shameful treatment of Syrian boy by Lebanese family
- Type: Actualités
- Video of child beating boy in Lebanon goes viral AFP L...
- Posté le: 20 Juil 14
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- Ribal Al-Assad condemns horrific video of French Jihadists dragging civilian corpses through the dirt
- Type: Actualités
- Gruesome video of European jihadists in Syria shocks France ...
- Posté le: 3 Avr 14
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- Ribal Al-Assad condemns cold blooded execution carried out by Islamist rebels
- Type: Actualités
- A video has emerged of the brutal execution of several men b...
- Posté le: 28 Mar 14
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- Ribal Al-Assad condemns video of Syrian woman executed in Aleppo
- Type: Actualités
- A video has emerged of a woman being strangled to death by I...
- Posté le: 19 Mar 14
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- Ribal Al-Assad appalled at execution of children and the elderly by Islamist extremists
- Type: Actualités
- A video has emerged of the brutal execution of children and ...
- Posté le: 19 Mar 14
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