The Organisation for Democracy and Freedom in Syria

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Islamic state of Iraq and Syria militants execute 3 truck drivers for being Alawites

Thursday, 29 August 2013 1 more image(s) »Islamic state of Iraq and Syria militants execute Alawites

A horrific video has come to light showing the execution of 3 Alawite truck drivers by Syrian rebels. The drivers were killed in cold blood on the side of the road.

Commenting on the video, Director of ODFS, Ribal Al-Assad said:

“The actions depicted in this video could not be clearer, innocent unarmed Syrians murdered by Islamic extremists because they did not share the extremists ideology.

It is an abominable act and evidence of just how brutal and sectarian this conflict has become.

These rebels want to exterminate all those who do not subscribe to their narrow and perverted ideology; we cannot allow them to succeed in their objective of turning Syria into an Islamic caliphate state.

The international community must hold these terrorists to account for their actions.”

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