Ribal Al-Assad condemns video showing FSA rebel forces inciting 'Jihad' and calling for the establishment of an Islamic State in Syria
Tuesday, 24 September 2013 1 more image(s) »Director of ODFS, Ribal Al-Assad, has condemned a video which has emerged of the Al-Tawhid Brigade, an arm of the supposedly 'moderate' Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army, at a rally in Syria.
During the rally the rebels are instructed to wage 'Jihad' against minority groups with the aim of imposing an Islamic Caliphate State under Sharia Law in Syria and "all the Muslim countries".
The Al-Tawhid Brigade are currently being armed by the West and some Gulf states.
Condemning the video, Ribal Al-Assad said:
"This video confirms what I have been saying; behind the rebel movement there is a dangerous extremist rhetoric; The clear use of sectarian language is deeply concerning and should act as a wake up call to the international community.
The only way to achieve a peaceful resolution to the conflict is through a peaceful dialoge with all parties who have a genuine belief in freedom and democracy. The groups featured in this video evidently do not subscribe to these ideals and should have no place at any table.
The beautiful tapestry of Syria must not be destroyed by these extremists, we can not allow the country -or indeed the region- to fall victim to sectarian violence and to the extremists' perverted ideology.
I totally condemn the language used in this video and the groups concerned, I call on the international community to denounce and stand together against these extremists."